Saturday, June 8, 2024

(BAR-33) Outlander LM-9 

I don't build kits!  But... this is an exception.  😋
I scored an Estes Outlander Kit from TRF member @Art Upton (thanks again Art). It won't arrive until next week.
After reading the handful of build threads it seems this rocket is underpowered with the 18mm motors?
An upgrade of the motor mount to 24mm, or possibly 29mm, is planned. Also, the leg attachment seems overly complicated and problematic, so I'll likely hinge the Landing Legs from the Gear Housings.
Also, I purchased a set of decals from Sirius Rocketry that are more NASA inspired.
In order to prepare for the build I've been reading the Estes Instructions, along with building a model of the Outlander in Open Rocket. I'll update the OR model once the kit arrives.

  2024-06-08  The Modified Outlander LM-9

    • Stretched the BT-60
    • Full length couplers
    • Plywood Legs and Gear Housing
    • Added F&D Heads to the tanks
    • 29mm Power
    • 24" Nylon Parachute
    • SOFI Fuel Tank


2024-06-10 Estes Outlander Kit No. EST 2110 (2003-2008) Arrives

As described...  now to measure and document all the pieces parts....

2024-06-11 Open Rocket Simulation Of A Stock Outlander Model Rocket Kit

I created each part of the Outlander in Open Rocket and simulated the flight for each of the three suggested motors. Also added the D21.

For pushing a 4-3/8" diameter nose cone through the air, a C6-3, B6-2 or a B4-2 just ain't gonna cut it.

2024-06-13 Nose Cone Cap

I used a scrap piece of a cedar 4x4 post to make the cap for the tip of the rocket.  It has an extra long shoulder to hold the required ballast weight.


2024-06-14 CAD Model, Drawings and Photo Studio

Here's my modified Outlander, calling it the LM-9 version.

2024-06-15 Motor Mount, Tubes and Tank Heads

Used my trusty "fly cutter" to make the centering rings. Gluing them onto the BT-52HMF, then I'll sand the ring o.d.'s on the wood lathe.​
Cut the BT-50H tank heads on the wood lathe using a 1" dia. Pine dowel. Started gluing the heads onto the tanks. One of the tanks is for Altimeter storage, that's what the holes are for. . The altimeter is secured with recycled e-match wire. Loop one end through the altimeter, run the wire up through the two holes, and twist the wire together.​

2024-06-16 Motor Mount and Couplers

Sanded the O.D.'s of the centering rings, then started gluing the body tube couplers. I punched some holes through the couplers to inject some wood glue to attach the couplers to the centering rings. The holes also help the glue to dry.​

2026-09-19 Gear Housings Fabrication

Revised the design to have 3 legs instead of 4.
Looks more spindly, which is a good thing. It was just too bulky appearing before. Now you can see the gap in the body tube and the tanks stand out better.​

Cut, routed and sanded the Gear Housings and Gear Housing Spacers... and glued them together. They're clamped... due for early release in 24 hours.


 She's Got Legs

Cut, sanded and routed the Leg Subassemblies. Now it's time to glue all the pieces parts together.​

2024-06-21 Gear Housing Redux

I needed a bit more clearance to slide the Legs between the Gear Housings. So I cut through the spacers that I previously glued between the Gear Housings using my Scroll Saw (blade thickness of .032"). Then I cut some new spacers from 1/16" thick Basswood (0.0625") which gives me a gap of 0.0305". That'll be less once I paint both parts.

2024-06-21 Gluing The Leg Sub-Assemblies

I flipped the Leg Sub-assemblies over and applied fillets between the Struts and Dowels. Once those dried sufficiently to stay in place I layed the Legs on their sides and glued the Leg to Strut joint.

2024-06-24 Gear Housing And Leg Sub-Assembly Drilling

I drilled the Gear Housings and Leg Sub-Assy's to accept 3/16" dia. Pan Head Screws.​


2024-06-24 Gluing The Housing To The Body

Now that the Gear Housings are drilled they can be glued to the Body. I prepped the C-60 by poking a copious amount of holes through it at the Gear Housing locations. Then glued the first Gear Housing.​

 Followed by the 3rd Gear Housing

 And then the 2nd Gear Housing


  • d bookmark

2024-06-24 And It's Up, Standing On It's Own...

Test fit just to make sure the alignment is correct.​  We'll let it sit like this overnight and let the wood glue dry.

2024-06-25 Recovery Dowel
Installed the Recovery Dowel after coating it with a liberal amount of wood glue. Then started putting the 1st round of glue fillets on the Gear Housings.​

 2026-06-26 Turning the Spherical Tank

Another scrap piece of 4x4... reworked into rocket parts.  I turned this on my lathe, then bored the center for a slip fit over the BT-60.  The clearance hole for the BT-3 launch lug looks a bit gnarly, but once glued in place it'll be seamless.

 2026-06-28 Launch Lug

Pretty much done with the glue fillets on the Gear Housing to Body Tube.  Focused on installing the Launch Lug which doubles as the support for the Egress Ladder.  Also trimmed the nose cone to accept the 3/8" dia. Launch Lug.

2024-06-28 Biosphere Gluing To Body Tube

2024-06-31 Gear Housing Covers
I glued on the .050" thick paper gear housing covers.  As is typical for me, over gluing is a way of life.  I spent the time and glued the inside surfaces too. 
Also knocked out the (2) smaller tanks. 

 2024-07-01 BT-50 Tanks

I used a couple of 1/8" stand off plates to mount the BT-50 Tanks.  This gives better accessibility around the tank, and visually I think looks better.

Also, applied CWF to the Biosphere.

2024-07-02 Sanded The Sphere and Installed Foot Pads

I knocked out (3) foot pads on the wood lathe using a 1" dia. pine dowel, then removed 90% of the CWF via sanding the sphere.
She's Outlandish!

 2024-07-03 Installing the BT-20 Tanks

I almost screwed up....  I installed the BT-20 Tanks and then tried to slip the altimeter into the BT-50 tank... Not enough room...  AARRGGHH!

I was able to gently remove the BT-20 tanks and then clean off the wood glue as it had not dried.  I then repositioned the BT-20 Tanks to a horizontal position that allowed installation of the altimeter into the BT-50 Tank.

2024-07-05 Building The Ballast and Swing Test

I made the ballast from a 1" dia. x 1-7/16" long piece of steel. I drilled and tapped a 3/8"-24 hole in the ballast and then added a 3/8" dia x 1" long HHCS that is drilled for a key ring.​
Successfully passed the swing test.​

2024-07-06 Egress Ladder and Primered / Painted Legs

Made the Egress Ladder from some 0.080" dia. copper wire and attached it to the Launch Lug using Titebond Quick & Thick.​
Shot a coat of primer on the Legs and Nose Cone Cap., then coated the Legs in Sunrise Red.


2024-07-07 Primer & Paint The Fuselage, and Touch-up The Red Legs

Primered the Fuselage, sanded the Fuselage and then painted it with the 1st coat of Rustoleum White Spray Paint.

Also touched up the Rustoleum Gloss Sunshine Red Paint on the Legs.


2024-07-09 White Paint Day 02

2024-07-10 Decals

Yikes... the nose cone decal was a nightmare, and it's still not quite right. The wife said: "It's from the heat when it launched, They all do that." :cool:
But... nonetheless... here it is.​

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