Saturday, March 8, 2025

 Optimus Dwarf Pro

Poking a little fun at the Estes Optima Pro.

This one is 29mm power, rear eject, BT-80H body, custom pine nose cone, hell-for-stout construction. 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

(BAR-44) Horten Ho 229 Fighter / Bomber

Made some progress on the CAD Model.

It's drawn as a solid with just the wings and motors as removable components. I scaled it in CAD using a drawing I found online.

Trying to avoid any airfoil in the wing, should help to keep the flight profile straight.​

This rocket will also have (6) small vertical stabilizers on the wings.

Motors are canted 4 degrees downward when compared to the body centerline. Not exactly sure why it was done on the original, but it helps on the model to get the motor exhaust up out of the body.​

The plan is to fabricate the fuselage and wings as a built up sub-assembly of Basswood components. This will be similar to how the real planes were built, as well as how folks build model airplanes for rubber power, U-Control and RC airplanes.

Planning on dual composite motors.


Making progress ... created the model for the internal wing structure, and made a couple drawings.