Lakeroadster's Fin Alignment Fixture
Inspired by this thread Homemade Fin Alignment Guide I decided to take a crack at making a fin alignment guide.
My design is basically the same as The Rocketry Forum's @qquake2k with the exception of being double sided. One Side is for BT-60 thru T-400 tubes, the other is for BT-20 thru BT-55 tubes.
Here's the CAD drawings:
Armed with the drawings I headed out to the barn to make some sawdust. I
changed the design a bit, making 4 longer legs for the base.
I mocked up the parts for a visual representation... once the glue dries
and I get a couple carriage bolts, I'll post up some more photos.
Here's the finished jig / fixture.
I ended up using 3/8" dia. x 3-1/2" Carriage Bolts, washers and wing nuts. The wing nuts were $2.48 each? 
For the mock up photos l used a piece of BT-60 and a left over plywood
fin from my Spad Ace build, and that's a BT-50H for the smaller tube.