Saturday, May 4, 2024


(BAR-32) Mars Lander 2.0

Here's a Scratch Build / Scratch Designed Mars Lander.

The body is turned from solid pine, and it's powered by a 29mm rear eject spool.

It has a dual parachute arrangement, one is for the spool sub-assy, and the other is a drogue chute for the lander itself, bringing it back to earth with the legs down.

This design has (3) legs, instead of (4).

 2024-05-04 Turning The Body On The Wood Lathe

I turned the body from a scrap pine 4x4. When I was nearly done, cutting the final contour, the body separated and broke in two pieces. So I'm in the process of wood gluing it back together.​

 2025-05-05 Body Rework

I chucked the body into the lathe and reworked the nose cone to specification.  Looks pretty good!

2024-05-05 Cad Model

Created the CAD Model...  drawings to follow.

 2024-05-06 Drawing Set

2024-05-09 Legs and Strut Rods

2024-05-10 Landing Leg Supports and Strut Rod Support Dowels

The Brass Tubes slide over the wooden Dowels.

2024-05-12 Motor Mount and Launch Lug

Kevlar is secured to eyelets on outside of rocket.  They'll run down the body and into the slot in the rear centering ring.

2024-05-13 Foot Pads

A new pair of shoes..... I cut these on the wood lathe and then drilled (3) 3/8" dia. Forstener bit holes in each pad for the legs / struts.


2024-05-14 As Built OpenRocket Simulation With Recovery Anchors

2024-05-17 Swing Test For Stability

Verdict: Stable

 Swing Test - Woodie Mars Lander (

2024-05-21 Spar Urethane

I applied (2) coats of Spar Urethane.  Looks pretty good.

2024-05-29 Decals